
Gene targeting遺傳學嘅一種技術,用同源重組(homologous recombination) 來改隻内源性基因(endogenous gene)。呢種技術可用來刪走一隻基因、拎走外顯子(en:exons) 同埋引入點突變(en:point mutations)。Gene targeting 可以係 permanent 或者係條件性(conditional) 嘅。「條件」可以係(例如)隻生物發育/生存中嘅 一段時間,或者限定喺某種組織。搞基因 targeting,要幫每一有關嘅基因整出一特定嘅vector。但係,佢可以用響任一基因,唔使理啲轉錄(transcriptional)活動同埋基因嘅大細。

基因打靶 2007年諾貝爾奬
Mario R. Capecchi, Martin J. Evans and Oliver Smithies were declared winners of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work on "principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells", or gene targeting.